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Top 10 Reasons to Shop Local


Shopping local is great for supporting local businesses. But did you know there are a host of benefits to keeping your dollars in the local economy? As you search for gifts this season, consider the following advantages of shopping local.

Give your local economy a boost

If you shop at nationally-owned stores, you miss out on supporting local businesses. When you spend your money locally, more of your dollars stay in the community. Local businesses often use local service providers and farms, so you’re helping strengthen an entire economic chain in your community. You’re also helping your local tax base grow. (More commercial taxes helps keep residential taxes lower!)

Support your local nonprofits

Local businesses are often significant supporters of local nonprofits. By shopping local, you are supporting their efforts to help these important community organizations stay in operation. Their existence can make a huge impact on your community.

Create local character

Who wants to live in a town that looks like every other city? Local businesses give your community unique flavor and appeal. By shopping local, you’re helping your town maintain its unique character, which enhances its appeal and your satisfaction with your home community.

Protect the environment

Nationwide chain stores tend to contribute to congestion, pollution, habitat loss and sprawl. Local businesses, on the other hand, tend to offer a centralized downtown setting that offers walkability and minimizes environmental impact.

Improve employment opportunities

Did you know small local businesses employ more people than anyone else? By supporting local businesses, you are encouraging better job opportunities that involve a shorter commute and reduce traffic in your community.

Enjoy better service

Shopping local means interacting with people you meet day after day. Because they are a part of the community, the employees and business owners are more likely to provide top-level service.

Encourage local investment

Local business owners live in the community. This means they are invested in the future of the area and the welfare of the community. By supporting their business, you are helping support your entire community.

Stimulate innovation

Shopping local encourages competition among many small businesses. It helps encourage innovation and keeps prices lower. You’ll enjoy more choices and better deals by supporting local businesses.

Reduce strain on the community

Chain stores require more infrastructure than local businesses. Local companies also use public services more efficiently. In other words, local businesses offer greater public benefits at lower public cost.

Exert greater influence

Your shopping habits at local businesses are more influential than at big box stores. If you want to have a say in pricing and selection, you can exert more influence by shopping local.

Keep it local

OUR Credit Union has been your dedicated local financial service provider since 1959. We are committed to supporting the local economy and helping you reap the benefits of keeping your dollars in the community. Contact our team today to discover more about our unique services.

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